And the power of the Reagan and now the Romney/Ryan platforms is far
more than their conservatism or their clarity. It is the suggestion that
there is light at the end of the tunnel — and a map to get there.
Obama’s goals are opaque.
His campaign slogan is “Forward.” But forward to what?
The president has offered no clear plan to deal with the greatest peril
to the nation’s fiscal health: spending on entitlements. His campaign
relishes the prospect of assailing Ryan instead of offering an
alternative that the Republicans might attack.
But the earnest Ryan, like the avuncular Reagan, will be hard to
demonize. He’ll also get credit for trying to solve the problem.
This guy gets it. Obama can't vote present after the destruction he's unleashed. He's offered no plan to address the looming disaster. He's got nothing other than to defame and demonize. Telling black voters that Romney intends to put them back in chains is unlikely to be the winning strategy.
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