Mickey Kaus points out that even lefty Howard Fineman has become embarrassed by the news media refusal to do its job.
It’s basically a plea to the MSM to start covering Obama they way
they’d cover a normal candidate. According to Fineman, Obama has bounced
back in the polls
without having to seriously and
substantively defend his first-term failed promises or shortcomings, and
without having to say much, if anything. about what, if anything, he
might do substantially differently if he is fortunate enough to win
again. …
Obama was such a cool and uplifting story
to so many in the media in 2008 that they essentially ceded ground to
him that they have yet to reclaim. He ran a tightly controlled message
campaign then, and has run an even more tightly controlled White House,
with few press
and deep access only to those most likely to write positive stories.
Univision didn’t get the memo, and its reporters hammered the president
about immigration last week. It was a rare moment.
An MSM veteran, Fineman, in essence, is agreeing with conserviative
critics of his profession: they’ve been cutting the President way too
much slack, failing to take him to task in areas (the Woodward
portrayal, Libya, the jobs numbers ) where they would have hammered
another candidate. Hence the strange, empty, helium-filled trajectory of the Obama campaign so far.
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